Aerosoft A320 Professional review

As stated clearly in the Disclaimer page of this site, we should never disgrace the work of somebody, especially without justifying our opinions. for years, i was reading many negative things about Aerosoft’s A320 series. 9 out of 10, without justifying anything. “it is bad”, “don’t buy it” etc etc. that made me of course having an initial negative feeling about this plane. but after a while, not only i changed my mind, but as you will read below, things are very good


Spending some time with Aerosoft A320, having complete flights, in different situations and airports made me believe that the aircraft is very good for what it promises: it will offer you a casual, worries free flight. if you follow the simple airbus rules, procedures and gameplay (don’t forget we are inside a computer simulator, not the real plane) then you will have nothing to miss. the fmc works, graphics are very good, sounds are good, frame rate is good. there are no failures, there is an efb that … better there was not. there is an external livery manager that never worked for me (but i could installed liveries manually). i didn’t have any crashes to desktop and the best experience with aerosoft a320 is that while flying and concentrating in the plane i forgot all the negative things i ever read about it. so for you, who just want to start with an airbus, for you, who does not want to spend much money, or for everybody in general, yes it worth.

to Buy or not to Buy

I think price is the biggest advantage of this plane. it goes together with A321, or as a bundle together with A318,A319 and A321. Aerosoft often makes offers, so if you are careful you can get all of them in a very low price. if you have both xplane and p3d, you have flightfactor a320 for xplane, you also need an airbus for p3d but you don’t want to pay much for flightsimlabs a320 then again the Aerosoft A320 is a very good solution.