- battery on
- battery lock
- call gpu
- call gps
- open doors
- ext pwr l and r bus on
- lights required on
- pos lights on
- emerg lights arm
- no smoking and seat belts lights on
- logo lights on
- windshield anti fog and anti ice = on
- ice protect capt
- irs to nav x 2
- fmc init
- yaw damper on
- galley on
- tcas stby
- pneu xfeed valves x 2 on
- supply auto x 2
- radio rack = fan
- fd on
- erp lim????????????????
- speed set
- hdg set
- alt set and click to arm
- nav to atis
- baro set
- ldg alt and baro set to dep airport
- thrust ratio panel set to
- fuel used reset
- hyd pumps to low x 2, trans on, aux on
- load fuel, cargo, passengers
- fmc route and perf
- take off condition computer: cg, flaps, long trim
- flaps????????????
- com, nav, adf setting
- close doors
- supply off x 2
- fuel pumps on
- apu start
- disconnect gpu and gps
- pushback
- anti collision lights on
- ignition switch on
- start switch right on
- when n2 = 21% fuel lever on
- when n2 stabilize or over 50% then close start valve
- left engine start
- engine ignition off
- apu off
- supply switch auto
- nose lts on
- slats extented
- flaps 15
- autobrakes to
- autobrake switch arm
- spoilers arm
- taxi
- landing lights on
- pos/strobe to both
- toga button press
- throttles to 1.4 erp
- autothrottle on
- take off
- gears up
- thrust rating panel climb mode
- engage nav
- vs 2000
- engage vs mode
- autopilot on
- vnav on
- ctr tank pumps off
- disarm spoilers
- autobrake off
- baro to standard
- xxxxxxxxxx
- eeeeeeeeeeee
- xxxxxxxxxx