Flight Sim Labs A320-sl cold and dark

today we will fly from UUEE Moscow Sheremetyevo airport by drzewiecki design to UWWW Samara airport by simmershome, with Rossiya Airlines. the flight will begin at 13:21 utc time, on 5 june 2021. weather and flight plan will be provided by Active Sky.

Preflight setup

depending on the addons, your style/preferences there are different ways to start the aircraft. in this flight we will use the fsdreamteam gsx addon.

  1. go to efb, right mouse click on the round button on the left (1a). the screen turns on and press on the connections (1b)
  2. press cabin door fwd, under the left doors (2a) to open the left forward door. then press on request jetway (2b). the gsx jetway menu will open and we connect to the gate B 121. that gives us automatically electricity.

Upperhead panel setup

note the ext pwr button is green, it means we have already electricity from the jetway
  1. press the bat 1 and 2 buttons (3a). then press on the ext pwr button (3b). that gives electricity to the plane and the automatic tests begin. don’t mind the different sounds or the blinking lights for some minutes.
press the bat 1 and 2 buttons (3a) and then on the ext pwr button (3b)
  1. emer ext lt to arm (4a), no smoking sign to auto or on (4b), seat belts to on(4c)
  2. nav&logo lights to 1 or 2 (5a), strobe light to on (5b).
  3. turn the three ADR switches to nav position (6).
  4. press the crew supply button (7)
  5. press the 6 pumps buttons (8)
  6. press the pack 1 and pack 2 buttons (9)
  7. finally, press the proble/window heat button to turn it on (10)
emergency lights arm (4a), no smoking sign auto or on (4b), seat belts on (4c), nav lights 1 or 2 (5a), strobe light on (5b), the three adr switches to nav (6), crew supply on (7), the six fuel pumps on (8), pack 1 and 2 on (9), windows heat on (10)

FMC setup

  1. press and hold the brt button on the top left of the fmc keyboard (11a), to turn it on. then select options (11b)
  2. fuel
  3. set the desired fuel amount. for this flight, type 5000 using the numeric keyboard of the fmc (13a), then press the key next to total to insert it (13b) and return (13c)
  4. payload
  5. we set the desired crew (15a), passenger (15b) and cargo loads (15c) to the aircraft. as always these numbers are just an example

INIT page

note: the gps primary message can appear anytime (a), you just press the clr button to delete it (b). it means the gps is aligned.

flightsimlabs a320-sl
when the gps primary (a) message appears, just delete it by pressing the clr key (b)
  1. init, set the from/to as uuee/uwww (16a), flt nbr rsy21 (16b), cost index 99 (16c), crz fl to 36000ft (360) and the temp value at this height (-49), typing 360/-49 (16d). i take the temp value from the active sky weather flight plan. then we press the wind key (16e) to go to the winds page
  2. wind request (17a) and return (17b)
  3. press the left arrow on the fmc keyboard to view the weights page of the init menu. click twice, on the button next to zfw/zfwcg to automatically get and insert the values. do the same for the block fuel. then wait for a couple of seconds the computer to calculate the rest of the values

F-PLN page

  1. click the f-pln key (19a), then the key next to UUEE (19b), then departure (19c), choose the 24c runway (19d), using the up arrow key (19e) locate and select the nigl2h sid (19f), and then tmpy insert (19g). wait for 1 sec for the values to be calculated.
  1. press the button next to UWWW (20a), arrival (20b), choose the ils05 Z (20c), using the up arrow key (20d) locate and select the rube2a start (20e), then tmpy insert (20f) and wait for the values to be calculated.
  1. by clicking the up arrow (21a) on the fmc keyboard we check the flight plan for any discontinuities. in our example we found one, we click first the CLR button (21b)-CLR appears on the fmc screen (21c), then the left key next to the discontinuity we would like to delete (21d), then tmpy insert (21e), wait for the new calculations and continue to check the flight plan till the end.

PERF page

  1. press the Perf button. go the efb. press the recycle button in the down right corner. then take off. inser the departure airport, UUEE, choose the departure runway, 24c, set the thrust power, toga, set the air condition if it will be on or off, on in our case, check the OAT temperature and QNH barometric pressure from your weather engine to see if the values are right and press the CALC button on the up right side. the computer calculates and we get the take off values. the most important of them is the trim setting which in our case is 0.9 up. note that down
  2. back to fmc. note the wind data uplink message has appeared, we just press the clr button to delete it. then we click twince the buttons next to V2, VR and V1 to automatically get and insert the values there. finally we insert the flap/ths setting, using the trim setting we got before from the efb, in the format 1/up0.9

  1. upperhead panel and APU master sw on. the down ecam screen has changed to apu and we wait for the flap open message. when we get it, back to upperhead panel and we click the APU start button. on the down ecam we monitor the apu starting procedure
  2. meanwhile, because apu takes some time to start we can set some values to the mcp. flight level to 36000, copilot barometer and flight director (ls button), pilot barometer and ls button and finally the main barometer next to the ecam screens.
  3. we move more down, to the TCAS and we set it to TA/RA, we switch it on and if you are using ATC, you insert the value they give you. click twice the clr button and type the value you got from atc, in our example 2121.
  4. weather radar and turn the PWS switch to the auto position.
  5. we go to the efb, recycle button, connections and we close the left forward cabin door.
  6. back to the apu screen, ready it is.
  7. upperhead panel, apu bleed on and now we can turn off the external power.
  8. back to efb and we undock the jetway. in our case we use the gsx menus.
  9. next we request pushback. again we use gsx and we follow the procedure.
  10. we release the parking brakes when we are told to do so and on the upperhead panel we set the beacon light to on.
  11. then we get the permission to start the engines. on the upper ecam screen we see that the two engine values are orange.
  12. we set the engine mode switch to start by right click. the engine values on the upper ecam screen get green
  13. right click on ENG 2 switch and turn the mouse roller up to move the switch to the on position. on the right side of the upper and down ecam screens we monitor the engine no2 starting.
  14. when we get the avail sign for engine no 2, we can start engine no1. right mouse click on ENG1 switch, move it up with the mouse roller. on the left side of the upper and down ecam screens we can monitor the engine no 1 starting.
  15. at some point, we will get a message from the pushback crew to set the parking brakes. in gsx we must also confirm we have a good engine start.
  16. when the engine no 2 is ready, we move to the upperhead panel and we wait the pack no 1 and 2 to be ready. (orange signs go off). then we turn off the apu bleed and by pressing the APU master sw we turn off the apu. note the start button will show the green AVAIL indication for sometime, till the apu motor turns off. don’t mind it. it will go away after some time
  17. turn the engine mode switch to norm position (left click).
  18. upperhead panel, taxi lights to taxi.
  19. when the pushback crew goes away, we can move the plane. we turn on the tyler steering-i have set it to the options menu of the a320-sl to work that way.
  20. taxi to the waiting point of the runway.
  21. on the upper ecam, we get a checklist. we have to turn the blue values to green. auto brake to max, set flaps to 1, arm the speed brakes, we hear the cabin ready alarm sound and finally when everything is set we press the to config button. all the checklist items must be green by now.
  22. we move to the runway start.
  23. tyler steering off, taxi lights to take off, both landing lights to on and we set the trim value to 0.9 (we have noted it down from the efb on step 18) by moving the trim wheel with the mouse roller
  24. have a good flight with the flight sim labs Airbus A320-sl !!!!